Saturday 28th – Monday 30th May

People’s Park

White Helmets & Dingle Fingle

Show twice a day for 3 three days to include the White Helmets motorcycle display team and Dingle Fingle, who are a clown couple in a classic car to interest our younger audience.
Tickets will be available from and also available at the gate 1 hour before the shows.
Each show will last approximately 1 hour 15mins

Tickets from £6.00 – Available from JTRewards and

The 2016 Jersey International Motoring Festival

Thursday 2nd June

Victoria Avenue

Kart Event

1900-2330 hrs.

Thursday 2nd June

People’s Park

French Market

0930-2000 hrs.

Friday 3rd June

Victoria Avenue

Free Pre Show and Moonlight Sprint

from 1900 hrs.

Saturday 4th June

People’s Park

Club displays, trade stands and local car and motorcycle club static displays
also including, twice a day in the arena;

Messhams Wall of Death Attraction

Alex Merel and his Crazy Show – French street stunt show with motorcycles and bicycles.

Saturday 4th June

People’s Park

French Market

1930-2000 hrs.

Saturday 4th June



Sunday 5th June

Mount Bingham


Sunday 5th June

People’s Park

French Market

1930-2000 hrs.

Sunday 5th June

People’s Park

Club displays, trade stands and local car and motorcycle club static displays
also including, twice a day in the arena;

Messhams Wall of Death Attraction

Alex Merel and his Crazy Show – French street stunt show with motorcycles and bicycles.

Sunday 5th June

Victoria Park

Active Arena

A demonstration arena of various vehicles which are of interest to the general public, either there is an anniversary of their marque or the vehicle is unusual. This is run on a rolling schedule which repeats about 4 times during the day and includes a commentary about the vehicles and their drivers/riders.