Riley Register Club at JIMF 2017

The Riley Regsiter Club will be attending JIMF 2017 with a superb range of cars on show.

Here are some comments from the club about the cars in the Gallery.

“I am in the Worcestershire section of the Riley Register and will be coming with Conway Hall, Ian Stainburn , Graham Evans plus wives / partners etc. compared to my fellow travellers I am the new boy to Riley ownership, I was extremely fortunate to have  an uncle, the late Mr. Roy Smith , who decided that I could be trusted to look after his much loved Riley Lynx-Sprite when he could no longer drive following a stroke. Roy bought the Lynx , RV9552 in 1951 and I remember some trips in it when I was still a schoolboy. So the day came when I put the car back on the road after it had sat in Roy’s garage for 10 years without turning a wheel. It was not too difficult to get it running though over the last 7 years or so the car has had a complete engine/gearbox rebuild, radiator re-cored, wheel bearings replaced,all the usual things!”
Best regards,
Jonathan Parkes 

Here’s a few  of photos of our car which is a Riley Gamecock 1932 9hp, known as the Gentlemen’s sports car it was only made for 1year and cost £298. It was brought in 1970 for £95 in need of restoration by my father, he unfortunately died before  he could restore it.
I inherited it in 2006 when my mother died it had been left for 20 years in pieces in a garage. Since my husband and brother restored it in 2009 it has been to Le Mans Classic several times also around the race track. Has also been to Angouleme and Brittany  also on lots of UK rallies even winning awards at the National Riley Register gathering
It’s mascot is a Ski Lady as the Alpine Gamecock with the bigger engine 12/4 hp won the Alpine trials and so a Ski Lady mascot was commission.”