The Westmount hill climb is conveniently situated alongside the showground at the Peoples Park, affording people attending the show a fantastic opportunity to view the start and also a great vantage point half-way up the hill where the road twists and turns, past the bowling green.

The hill itself is approximately 640m long and provides some exhilarating challenges for both drivers and riders.
Not too far from the start is a left hander, which can be tricky due to the adverse camber, causing some breaking. This is followed by a lovely little flick to the right and then using the full width of the road, a long sweep past the bowling green and into a very tight right hander, which is the dominant feature of the hill.
Driving line and braking are crucial at this point. Come in too close and the gradient steepens dramatically. It is generally thought to keep out a little way before powering through the transitional curve, leading to a long straight climb and a very fast finish.

The event starts at 10am on Saturday morning the 1st June with practice runs and continues throughout the afternoon.

On Sunday morning the hill climb moves to Mount Bingham, where spectators can watch the action from near the swings or from the foot of the glacis.

Starting by the Haut du Mont flats, there is a long flat right hand bend, followed by a short left and a straight, before the hairpin under the rock face.

The hairpin is the tightest possible and is very challenging for both cars and bikes. Judging braking distance on the fast approach is critical, as it is very easy to lockup or overshoot!

A variety of techniques are used to get round the hairpin and a good trials bike is a definite advantage!

After the hairpin, it is a case of power on and climb up through a sharp right hander on to a steep incline, past the straw bales and a sharp left across the junction and up the “ramp” to Fort Regent and the finish line.

The eligibility for competing cars is manufactured before 1993, and for bikes
before 1984.

At the conclusion of the morning hill climb, competitors will return to the Peoples Park to participate in the show and active arena.